Posted by on February 2, 2021

When I was in grade school, I remember my dad inviting members of our local church to participate in an experiment originally called The John Wesley Great Experiment. I read the original book several years ago and considered inviting a group of people to join me, but never got it off the ground. A couple years ago, I discovered the experiment again under the title: 10 Brave Christians. I purchased the books and began to consider the best way to invite a group to participate in this study. With the Covid-19 pandemic and our use of online platforms to connect people, I made the decision to invite a group of people to join me in this experiment.

I am looking for ten people to join me in an adventure in spiritual disciplines, self-surrender, self-denial, and self-control. For one month you are invited to:

  1. Meet once a week to learn how to pray.
  2. Work at least two hours in the church each week and do a daily good deed.
  3. Give God one-tenth of your earnings.
  4. Spend from 5:30-6:00 each morning in prayer and study of Scripture.
  5. Witness about your experience with God to others.

I believe this will be a great way to process through Lent this year, so if you are interested in learning more about participating in this experience, please contact me (618-830-6670 or We will have an informational meeting on Monday, February 15 at 7pm Central Time via Zoom. Our goal will be to begin the experience on March 1. If you are interested but unable to make the meeting, please contact me and I will work to find a better time to meet with you.

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