Rev. Matt Henson

An energetic, dynamic, vision-casting adventurer for Jesus is one of the best ways to describe Rev. Matt Henson. Matt brings a fresh perspective and energy to the church and her ministry. He specializes in Evangelistic Preaching, Mission Experiences, Healing/Reconciliation Ministry, and Youth/Young Adult Ministry, using his experience and passion to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to all people. Matt has served as a Youth for Christ-Campus Life Director, Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor, and Interim Pastor. In each of the places Matt has served, the ministries have seen transformation, growth, and a deeper knowledge of Christ. Matt serves as the Executive Director and Lead Evangelist for Living the Adventure Ministries, a ministry he founded in 2007. Living the Adventure Ministries is a nonprofit evangelistic and mission ministry "seeking to work for the transformation of the world through the awakening of the Church, evangelistic preaching, and Christian people putting their faith into action through mission experiences around the world." Matt travels around the nation and around the world as part of this ministry. He has spoken at youth camps, camp meetings, revivals, retreats, Christian Ashrams and mission trips. Matt has spoken to groups and been in mission in 23 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Liberia, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Guyana, and India. Matt also serves as the Executive Director of the United Christian Ashrams International Ministry. Matt has a published article in the Christian History Magazine Issue 136. The article he co-authored is entitled: “The divine yes to every human need.” Matt has also co-written the preface for the reprint of E. Stanley Jones’ book, Along the Indian Road. Matt and his wife, Nancy, have four sons (Elijah, Micah, Judah, and Isaiah) and one daughter, Sarafina.

Up to date information from Living the Adventure
Our Vision: Communicating

Our Vision: Communicating

Sep. 24, 2024 by

On my phone there are twelve different applications for my communicating with people around the world. Most of the applications are for written communication, though five of them have features that allow for a phone call to be made through

 Our Vision: Partnering

 Our Vision: Partnering

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Throughout my educational career, I will confess group projects were the bane of my existence. I would rather do all the work than to be required to spend time creating a plan, assigning parts of the plan to each member,

Our Vision: Awakening

Our Vision: Awakening

Sep. 10, 2024 by

When Nancy and I had our children, we made a conscious decision that we would make as much noise as we wanted while they were napping and sleeping. We wanted them to be resilient to be able to sleep in

Our Vision: Listening

Our Vision: Listening

Sep. 3, 2024 by

“You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” (James 1:19) A wise woman taught me a mantra for my life. She said, “God gave you two ears and one

Back to School—Accountability

Aug. 27, 2024 by

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Back to School—Fellowship

Aug. 22, 2024 by

The Sunday bulletin included an announcement, “Join us for a time of fellowship after worship today.” The congregation moved from the worship space/sanctuary to the fellowship hall for coffee, donuts, oatmeal, and juice. The fellowship hall went from a quiet

Back to School—Prayer

Aug. 14, 2024 by

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Back to School: The Bible

Back to School: The Bible

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Home Base

Home Base

Jul. 30, 2024 by

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Angels Unaware

Jul. 23, 2024 by

The evening was late; the road and travels had been long. I was ready to reach my destination for a night’s rest in the hotel near the airport. When I drove into the parking lot, I was relieved I had

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