The Hall Closet
Robert Boyd Munger wrote the booklet, My Heart, Christ’s Home, in 1954. I was immediately drawn to this booklet when I was first introduced to it when I was on staff of Campus Life and Youth for Christ in Lexington, Kentucky
Minimal And Essential
The minimalist life is “living with things you really need. It means removing anything that distracts us from living with intentionality and freedom” ( It is a lifestyle that seems to me to be easily spoken and written, but difficult
Where Have You Been?
“Where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you!” I have heard these very words on more than one occasion in my life. At times I would get caught up in looking at toys in the department store or
In response to last week’s devotion about Self-Care, a friend wrote: “I think you will see great growth in all those areas when they are given the intentional moments they deserve! And the consistency! I think it’s easy to give