Beatitudes—Pure Heart

Apr. 30, 2024 by

Gaining access to someone who is famous can be a lot of work. Whether it is purchasing a backstage pass for a famous singer or going through the process of background checks and applications to visit a world-leader, work must


Apr. 23, 2024 by

Be louder. Say more. Push against. Don’t give up. Make a scene. Get people’s attention. All these short and direct statements speak to our present cultural condition as we battle one another politically, theologically, and relationally. It seems the person

Beatitudes—Hunger and Thirst

Apr. 16, 2024 by

A newborn child is unable to communicate with words and cannot obtain that which they deeply desire. They communicate through tears, coos, and screams when they need a diaper change, want extra cuddles, or are hungry/thirsty. In the early days

Beatitudes—Those Who Mourn

Apr. 9, 2024 by

When I was an Associate Pastor, a young man in his 30s died after battling cancer. The Senior Pastor invited me to participate in the Celebration of Life and Funeral Service for the young man. In the pastor’s message at

Beatitudes — Poverty

Apr. 2, 2024 by

Brother E. Stanley Jones shares his transformation story in his spiritual autobiography, A Song of Ascents. In the midst of emotional exhaustion, or what we may today call “burn out”, he went to Central Methodist Church in Lucknow, India for evangelistic