Who’s In Your Cloud?
As an athlete in childhood and adolescence, I remember the excitement when the crowd would cheer for the team when we took the field or came out on the court. In the small towns where I grew up, the football
As an athlete in childhood and adolescence, I remember the excitement when the crowd would cheer for the team when we took the field or came out on the court. In the small towns where I grew up, the football
A good friend from Indiana who lives in Haiti and has stayed throughout the pandemic thus far is going to return home for a few weeks in November. In a recent conversation with him, I feel confident we can continue
Memorial gifts were given in memory of Carl Jenks (Nancy’s father) by: John and Mary Jo Barnard Albion Grade School Flower Fund If you would like to make a contribution in memory or honor of someone, please notate it on
As you shop online through Amazon be reminded that Living the Adventure Ministries is registered with Amazon Smile as an organization you can support when you make purchases on Amazon. Go to smile.amazon.com and select Living the Adventure Ministries as
As a homeowner, I have painted several rooms as part of the upkeep and renovation of our home. When the time comes to paint, I want the job of painting the room with the roller or broad brush because the
I was recently honored to speak at the Celebration of Life for a great woman of God. Joyce was an encourager, cheerleader, and prayer warrior. At the Celebration of Life Service, more than one person mentioned Joyce’s morning Facebook posts
I had a great time at the Carlyle First United Methodist Church on September 13-15. We were blessed with three great nights of weather as the revival services were held in the parking lot. I had the opportunity to lead
WOW!!! What a beautiful night we experienced for the Celebration Banquet on Saturday, August 29. The Higher Ground venue provided a beautiful backdrop overlooking the hills of Southern Illinois while giving us the freedom to social distance. The nearly 70
When will the pandemic be over? When can we travel again? When will borders open around the world to receive people from other countries? These questions serve as daily reminders to me of the struggles of planning mission trips in