Posted by on October 2, 2020

I had a great time at the Carlyle First United Methodist Church on September 13-15.

We were blessed with three great nights of weather as the revival services were held in the parking lot. I had the opportunity to lead revival services last year in Carlyle, so returning to this congregation provided a great opportunity to hear testimonies of healing and spiritual growth still occurring from last year’s revival. The witness of relationships being reconciled, lungs being healed, and cancer being gone brought great joy to our times of celebration this year. I look forward to hearing more testimonies in the coming days and weeks from our time spent together.

One woman shared on Tuesday night that the veil had been lifted and she had stepped out in obedience to God’s call on her life that day to be in ministry to a friend. She was filled with joy and expectation of how God would use her again.

If your congregation would like to plan an event this Spring or if you are in need of pulpit supply, please contact me.

I am working with local pastors and local congregations to create renewal and revival events using outdoor locations and social distanced indoor opportunities. I am open to putting events on the calendar with some level of uncertainty of whether we will be able to meet.

I believe now is a great time to plan with flexibility in mind, seeking opportunities for renewal, transformation, and new life. Please contact me (618-830-6670 or to have a conversation and start making plans.

Posted in: Blog