Posted by on February 1, 2024

In response to last week’s devotion about Self-Care, a friend wrote: “I think you will see great growth in all those areas when they are given the intentional moments they deserve! And the consistency! I think it’s easy to give to those things sporadically but being consistent with it is where the challenge is. I pray for that for you over this year!”

When we lived in Waterloo, Illinois, the YMCA had an opportunity for members to have two sessions with a personal trainer to set up a workout regimen. I met with the personal trainer the first day and we had a great conversation. He gave me some tips, helped me establish a regimen, and then said, “I would recommend you start on a 3-days per week regimen. It will be good to establish the habit and we have found consistency early in the regimen helps to establish a longer lasting habit.” Being the overachiever and needing to “go big or go home” I decided I would do 5-days per week. Sadly, I faltered early in the regimen and never established the consistency needed to reach my goals.

Consistency and intentionality play a major role in how we live our lives. I find there are places where good ideas never come to fruition because of a lack of consistency or intentionality. We begin strong or we begin with great thoughts, but we tend to lose our motivation or early excitement leading to ultimately not reaching our goals.

As I look at my Words for the Year: Risk, Self-Care, and Rhythm, I realize how the measure of success will be based in my consistency over the immediate results. When I focus on being disciplined and consistent in that discipline, I do not become obsessed with the results as much as the faithfulness to the plan. The results will follow if I am consistent. My relationship with my family and friends will grow. My life will be more balanced. I will be able to take more risks to complete the project.

I pray you will see growth in your life this year. Though consistency is not one of my three Words for the Year, I think it plays a key role in success in the New Year. Whether you are seeking to spend more time in Bible Study, fitness, or with friends, I pray you will see growth and a transformed life in 2024.

Prayer: Lord, I tend to live a sporadic life which may bring me immediate gratification, but not long-lasting change. Give me discipline to be consistent in the New Year. I want to continue to grow in all areas of my life and want to grow in my relationship with you. Amen.  

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