Posted by on January 22, 2023

In Alice in Wonderland, the White Rabbit is seen running frantically proclaiming, “I’m late. I’m
late. For a very important date! No time to say ‘hello, goodbye,’ I’m late. I’m late. I’m late!” The
frantic schedules and the flood of information we receive creates an unrest in our lives as we
seek to keep the proverbial plates spinning, with limited success.
As part of my normal habit of choosing three words to focus my life in the new year, I have
been challenged with the concept of Sabbath Rest. The daily running as I seek balance between
family, ministry, fire department, and community involvement leads me to weeks where there
is limited rest. I am convicted of my errant ways and convinced my health is adversely affected
when I do not make space for Sabbath Rest.
Sabbath, as we see in Genesis 1 and 2, is a celebration of completion. At the end of the sixth
day, God says, “It is very good.” To be able to create enough margin in my life to celebrate the
completion of tasks and have the discipline to put down the instruments of my trade to
experience rest is a growing area for my life in 2023.

Jesus invites us to rest when he says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary
and burdened, and I will give you rest.” We are invited to surrender our need to be in control of
fixing our frantic lives as we fall into the restful, comforting arms of our Lord.

How is God calling you to create margin in your life to set apart time for Sabbath Rest, where
you can focus on your relationship with Jesus and with others? How is God calling you to exit
the frantic schedule of life and spend time in recreation and renewal as a set apart time in your
weekly schedule?

Prayer: Lord, you command us and invite us to rest. We fail too often, causing disease and
unrest in our lives. Forgive us when we do not trust you with our daily lives and those times
when we take on more tasks and responsibilities. We surrender our schedules to you and

desire the rest you call us to in our lives. Help us create the margin and be disciplined to live
into this new found margin. We desire Sabbath Rest. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Posted in: Blog