Posted by on May 28, 2023

Take a look around—things are changing—Spring has sprung where I live and the cold days seem to be behind us. The tulips and daffodils around our house are bursting forth with bright colors. The buds on the trees, though blown about in the strong winds, are bringing forth the leaves that will provide the much-needed shade in the summer.

I enjoy the movement from Winter to Summer, as we traverse through the days of Spring. In the Midwest of the United States, we have skipped Spring too often over the past several years. It seems we have gone from the darkness and cold of winter straight into the light and sweltering heat of summer. The extremes seem to have been in control of our weather lives.

Transformation seems to have similar stops and starts where we witness the power of change in our lives, while recognizing there are times when transformation may be happening below the surface, yet unrecognizable. The Holy Spirit works in our lives to bring about the transformation we need to make us be all God desires for us to be. Though we do not always see the immediate results, we know God is faithful to do His work in our lives. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we read, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, and the new is here!

As we witness the newness of life springing forth, consider how God is at work in your life. If you feel stuck in the darkness of winter, seek the Lord, asking for His transforming power to be apparent in your life. Surrender your struggles, fears, anxieties, and allow the Hope and Joy of new life to spring forth in you.

Prayer: I know you are the transforming God who makes us new. Work your power of transformation in my life that I might see the beauty of your work alive in me. I surrender my fears, anxieties, and struggles in the Hope of your Joy in my life. Amen.

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