When we were in Guyana last year, most of the churches we visited had a djembe. A djembe is a goblet-shaped hand drum that originated in West Africa. Judah was playing around with one of them and we asked if he could play during one of the singing times. The pastor approved him playing, and the congregation was pleased with his ability to find the correct rhythm for the songs they were singing. They enjoyed following his rhythmic leadership as he set the tone for the song consistent with their normal rhythm.
One of the definitions of rhythm is “movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements” (m-w.com). Rhythm is not limited to music but can encompass the way people live their lives. When we look to Scripture, we recognize God is one who lives with a certain rhythm and balance to life. In Leviticus 25 we read, “For six years you may plant your fields and prune your vineyards and harvest your crops, but during the seventh year the land must have a Sabbath year of complete rest. It is the Lord’s Sabbath. Do not plant your fields or prune your vineyards during that year” (3-4). The Lord’s insistence on rhythm to restore the land is applicable to our lives as well, as we tend to shy away from lack of activity for fear of people thinking us lazy or for fear of not being “productive.”
Rhythm of life encompasses our physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual lives.
For example, we need to get away for spiritual renewal through revival services, retreats, Christian Ashrams, camp meetings, etc. These times serve us in stepping out of the rigors of life to experience a deeper level of intimacy with God. These times of spiritual renewal can also be times of rest for us because we seek the rhythm of life where all areas of our lives are seen as important. When I travel to a camp meeting or Christian Ashram, I find the rhythm of the schedule helpful to focus my life and I find rest for all areas of my life.
God ordained rest as part of a rhythm of life where we are renewed, just as the land set apart for one year every seven years was renewed. What happens if we step out of the fray of life for rest and renewal on a regular schedule? Bishop Reuben Job who taught a lot about rhythm and renewal stated, “Every pastor should invest one hour a day in prayer, one day a month in silence or spiritual retreat, and one week a year. This is part of the work of a spiritual leader and is not time off or vacation time.” Though written to pastors, I think this could be applied to all people.
How is the rhythm in your life? Are you out of rhythm and need to create a schedule and expectation in your life to prioritize rest to find the rhythm of life? Just as Judah playing the djembe drove the song, your schedule and expectations drive your life. When it is out of rhythm your life suffers and so do the relationships around you. My encouragement for you today is to create a rhythm of life encompassing rest for all areas of your life.
Prayer: Lord, when I am out of rhythm the song of my life has dissonance and pain. Impress upon me a schedule that prioritizes rest in all areas, where a new rhythm drives my life. I need your rhythm to be my heartbeat and I need your insistence on rest to be a focus of my life. Thank you for being a God of rhythm and balance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.