Written by Brian Shimer
Pray together — Lord Jesus, born at Christmas we offer today’s devotional time to you. Come join our family circle. Meet us in our thoughts, prayers, discussions. And help us draw closer to you in order for us to become more and more like you. Indeed, may our living lives look like your life in our home, and in how we live day by day.”
Sing or Listen: Love Came Down At Christmas
Slowly Read: John 1: 1-14
(Pause — allow the words to sink in)
Which word stood out to you?
What struck you about that word?
What does that word tell you about Jesus or yourself?
Read: John 1: 1-14
(Use another translation)
During the reading light the advent candles
What phrase seemed to resonate with you in this reading?
What was it about that phrase which stood out?
How did it make you feel inside?
If that word or phrase were a color, what color would it be?
Instructions: Collect a blank piece of paper and markers, crayons or paints.
Read: John 1: 1-14 (again from a different translation)
This time color or draw what comes to your heart as you listen/read.
Read this devotional thought:
People stood in the darkness as 7-year-old Amy Johnson carried the Christ Candle to the front of the room.
She carried the large candle carefully, holding it with both of her small hands. She looked noble, like a ballet dancer, as she walked through the darkened sanctuary.
Pastor Nancy Ball read John 1:1-14 from the lectern, “In Him was the life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” The words seemed to float in the air, filling the space across which Amy walked.
Amy’s mom seemed to be holding her breath and was biting her lip as Amy walked slowly forward. Her mom was nervous something would go wrong. However, as is often true of our fears, nothing did. Amy arrived and placed the candle on the altar. Then receiving a small candle from Pastor Doug, lit it, and walked to Bonnie Smith holding out that small light for Bonnie to light her candle. And then, person to person, the light was passed in one of the most marvelous depictions I know of what it looks like to share the love we’ve experienced so another can experience it. Suddenly, the dim light of one candle expanded to be the light of two hundred candles. Each person’s face lit by the light they held, which was a light shared with them, and the room itself was bathed in that warm light.
How have you come to experience the love of Jesus in your life?
Who shared Jesus with you? How did that light and love first impact you?
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you have allowed us to experience you, and your love moment by moment, day by day. Thank you that we have the opportunity to share that love with others, like offering the light of our candle that theirs might be lit. Make us your witnesses, Lord. Thank you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.