Posted by on December 31, 2024

On a recent trip to Michigan, I traveled with family to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park. The steep dunes created a newfound challenge as we embarked on the hike. The intensity of the first ascent made my heart beat much faster and my breathing to become more labored. I had not looked at the trail map prior to departing (someone else in our group had done the research), so I was unaware of what I would experience as we continued to ascend and descend on the marked trail.

At each of the peaks, it was interesting to look back at where we had been, only to look forward to see there was more to experience. The looking back was mesmerizing because there were steep inclines we overcame which in the midst of the challenge seemed insurmountable, yet we could look back and see our triumph.

The end of the year always seems to me to be a precipice moment where we can look back at the past year and see the ups and downs, while seeing the stable times of flat road walking where the days seemed less daunting, problematic, or challenging—they were “normal” days. As we consider the past year, we give God thanks for the times where we were in the valley and God was with us. We give God thanks for the mountaintops of celebration and accomplishment where He was with us. We give God thanks for the “normal” days where He was with us.

As we look back over the past year, we are reminded of sadness and happiness; death and life; doubt and belief; battles and victories. We have witnessed transformation and new life springing forth in our own lives, while also witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit to bring new life through our shared ministries at local churches, college campuses, Christian Ashrams, revivals, and renewal events. Fruit has been borne in this past year, which will hopefully propel us into the new year with hope for new opportunities and transformation.

Throughout Scripture we are encouraged to remember the past, while always looking to the future as we experience life in the present. The looking back over the past year could be a time of discouragement if we focus on the negative moments of life. Yet, I want to encourage us to look at the past to be reminded of how God has brought us through difficult times and how the same God who brought the Israelite people out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land is the same God who brought us through difficult times in the past year. For truly, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

As we come to the end of 2024, I want to encourage you to stand at the precipice of the moment between two years: the one past and the one to come. I want to encourage you to consider how God has been present with you in 2024. Take a moment to remember, journal, and give God thanks. We would love to hear how God has been with you in the past year. If you are willing, share your journal entries with us, so we can give God thanks with you. You can send your journal entries to

Prayer: Lord, you have been with us through difficult times in this past year. Thank You! You have also been with us in our celebrations. Thank You! As we look back over the past year, we are grateful for your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Posted in: Blog