My third trip to India is fast approaching. I will be traveling to India on September 24 and returning on October 10. This trip will be ministry focused as I work with Rev. Dr. Tom Albin on a Christian Ashram at Leonard Theological College and the Sat Tal Christian Ashram. I will have my first experience with traveling on a train in India and will also fly on Indian Airlines to get from Delhi to Jabalpur where the college is located. Please pray for Tom and I as we put together the final schedules and write the messages we will share while in India.
We are already planning a return trip to India during the same time next year. If you would be interested in traveling with me next year, please let me know. I will work on the details while I am in India and hope to have a ballpark price when I return. If you have any interest in traveling with me or if you have questions, please contact me ( or 618-830-6670).