Our trip to Haiti last month went very well. We look forward to sharing more articles with you in our May edition of the Adventure Journal. We are working on getting our summer trip together as we plan to return to Sobier on June 21-29. One of the main purposes for our trip will be to work on the medical center security wall, which we last worked on when I traveled alone in 2019. No other teams have been to Sobier since I was there in 2019, so I am certain the work has stopped for now. We will also spend time assessing the next steps in our work in Sobier, while reestablishing relationships with the local church and community leaders.
If you would like to travel with me to Haiti this summer, please contact me ASAP (matt@livingtheadventure.net or 618-830-6670). Also, if you are feeling called to participate in one of our 2022 trips (January or June), please contact me as well.
Finally, be in prayer for the country and people of Haiti. There is unrest as President Moise continues to lead in a dictatorial fashion. Last year he disbanded the Parliament. There should be elections in 2021, but there are no dates established at this time. Also, there are vigilantes at work and kidnapping has increased over 200% in the last couple years. Recently, ten Catholic leaders (Five Priests, Two Nuns, and Three Lay Leaders) were kidnapped as they were traveling to the installation service for a priest in Port au Prince. A one-million dollar ransom has been demanded and as of the writing of this article, it has not been paid.