Posted by on September 17, 2024

Throughout my educational career, I will confess group projects were the bane of my existence. I would rather do all the work than to be required to spend time creating a plan, assigning parts of the plan to each member, and then putting our plan into action. It seemed easier and less cumbersome in my mind to just do it myself. I was a strong enough student, and my procrastinating ways would not be challenged, nor would it interrupt the plan of the group if I was able to do it myself.

Over the years, I have found myself in similar situations in my life where I tend toward the “do it myself attitude,” leaving me in cumbersome situations as I try to juggle too many projects at one time. This “lone-ranger” attitude may seem convenient in the moment as I have “charge” of the project, but over time, the project is less fulfilling because of the harder work and because it is not experienced in community.

Jesus’ invitation to “follow me,” and his sending the disciples and the seventy out “two-by-two” is a clear reminder of the importance of partnership in our daily lives and in our ministry. Jesus emphasized the importance of ministry together as more important than the ability of one-person to effect change on his/her own. This calling together in partnership is exemplified again in Acts 13 when the Holy Spirit calls out Paul and Barnabas from the church in Antioch to travel and preach. We read, “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them’” (verse 2).

Living the Adventure Ministries seeks to work for the transformation of the world through the partnerships we create with local churches, individuals, and Christian leaders around the world. When we travel in mission, we seek to first listen to the needs of the community and then to find ways to partner together in the ministry. When we work with a local church, we want to hear the needs of the local church and the individuals of the local church so we can find ways to best partner together in ministry to enliven the church and help the church live her mission in the community. When we work with Christian leaders around the world, we partner to create programs and ministry opportunities to support discipleship and mission response.

Our goal in ministry is to come alongside the ministry with whom we are partnering. We want to work together to proclaim the Gospel, live in the Kingdom of God, and seek healing in the community. Jesus called us into partnerships, and we believe our ministry is best lived in partnerships.

How is God calling you away from “lone ranger” faith into ministry that is partnered with other brothers and sisters in Christ? Are you trying to do everything yourself or are you seeking partnership to share the work of mission and discipleship?

Prayer: Lord, forgive me when I try to do life on my own. Thank you for calling me into partnership with other brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of God. As we partner together, may we be faithful to your calling on us to make disciples and to be in mission together. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Blog