Posted by on September 24, 2024

On my phone there are twelve different applications for my communicating with people around the world. Most of the applications are for written communication, though five of them have features that allow for a phone call to be made through the application. Each of the applications seek to provide a platform for aiding in our communication with one another. Yet, it seems the ability to communicate has not helped our relationships but has transformed our communication into short bits and without a lot of depth.

Jesus’ ministry with his disciples is filled with communicating truths as they walked life’s road together. Jesus took time to teach in an “as you are going” format of communication. He did not wait until they were stopped for the day or wait a week between teaching, but he took time to communicate with his disciples about the situations and objects they were witnessing as they walked together. In Proverbs 6:20-22 the author is writing about keeping the parents commands, “My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.

Communicating Truth through the spoken word and through a person’s actions creates an opportunity for people to learn more about living the adventure of following Jesus. As we walk together with friends, family, and community, we must be aware of what we are communicating with our words and our actions. Are we representing the character, Truth, and beauty of Jesus as we walk along the road of life? Is what we are communicating bringing life and an invitation to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit or is it bringing discouragement and division?

Living the Adventure Ministries seeks to communicate the Truth of Jesus with people around the world through our words (written and spoken) and our actions. We seek to change the narrative of the culture away from sowing division to seeking unity, hope, and life through how we communicate the Kingdom of God and invite people to experience the Kingdom life. We recognize people receive communication through a variety of channels, so we seek to find ways to connect through social media, digital platforms, and in-person interactions. As we communicate the Gospel, it is our hope to see life-change coming to individual lives, local churches, communities, nations, and the world.

Consider today how you are communicating the Kingdom of God to the people in your life.

Prayer: Lord, there are many ways to communicate your love to people today. Give me strength and courage to communicate your love and Truth to people through my words and through my actions. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Blog