Thankful for the Rock

Nov. 7, 2023 by

We recently visited Chaney’s Dairy Barn near Bowling Green, Kentucky. On a tour of the farm, there was an old cistern with a fence built around it to keep people from falling into the cistern hole. The cistern had filled

Participate in the Harvest

Nov. 1, 2023 by

The farmers in our community are fast approaching the end of harvest season. The combines and semis have been running through the fields and down the roads, bringing the harvest into the storehouse. The data is being compiled giving a

Sept/Oct 2023 Adventure Journal

Oct. 17, 2023 by

Patience for the Harvest

Oct. 17, 2023 by

Sarafina planted the seed. We watered and fed them. We provided boundaries and support for most of the plants…sorry watermelons and pumpkins! Then there came the day where we could see the fruit being borne. The small green tomato, the small green

Don’t Grow Weary

Oct. 13, 2023 by

Last week I shared about Sarafina’s flowerpot garden. It was a labor of love for her but also for our family because we had to remember to regularly water the plants and pay attention to their needs. So, when the

Plant for Harvest

Oct. 2, 2023 by

Over the past few years, my daughter, Sarafina has talked about wanting to plant a garden at our house. Through an initiative of our local Farm Bureau and 4-H, she received some seeds to plant and one of the 4-H

Step Into the Water

Sep. 26, 2023 by

In the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Jones is seeking the Holy Grail. As he discovers the cave where the Grail is located, there are a variety of puzzles he must undertake to successfully get to the room where

What Time is It?

Sep. 19, 2023 by

From the late 1940s until early 1960 there was a TV show called “Howdy Doody.” I was introduced to this marionette and show when a 40th Anniversary special was presented in the late 1980s. I remember the commercials announcing the special

Obedience without Hesitation

Sep. 13, 2023 by

There is a “bigger is better” complex created within the church where we believe obedience to the calling we deem larger is to be celebrated with greater fanfare than the smaller obedience of our lives. We begin to classify these

Obedient Response

Sep. 6, 2023 by

Every day as I prepare to leave the house, I place on my left hip a small black box: a pager. The pager is a direct connect to the 9-1-1 dispatch center in our county. If there is a fire